Indigenous and local responses to global challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean (AK Lateinamerika)

Freitag (22. September 2023), 09:00–10:30
SH 3.104
Viviana Buitrón Cañadas (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Andrés Gerique (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Julia Kieslinger (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
The session aims to promote academic exchange on indigenous and local responses to global challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will be held in cooperation with the “Arbeitskreis Lateinamerika”.
AK-Sitzung, English-language session, Postkoloniale Ansätze, Regionale Geographie
Juliane Dame (Universität Bonn)
Johanna Höhl (Universität Heidelberg)
Angélica Videla (Universidad Católica de Temuco)
“Hay agua, pero no hay agua”: Uncovering the complex interrelations in water governance in southern Chile
Claudia Pinzón (FU Berlin)
Rebecca Froese (Universität Münster)
Diana Figueroa (FU Berlin)
Janpeter Schilling (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau)
Regine Schönenberg (FU Berlin)
Local Action Against Gold Mining in the Bolivian Amazon: Human-Nature Relations as a Foundation for Resistance to Colonial Continuities

Abstract der Sitzung

Various interlinked global crises currently challenge the existence of ecosystems, societal coexistence, and the well-being of the world’s population, especially of the poorest: climate change, the loss of biodiversity (functions), the increase of diseases and pandemics, economic crises, insufficient food security, and famine. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the recent Covid-19 pandemic, persistent political and economic turmoil in many countries, and several migration processes intertwine with ecological crises, exposing people to multidimensional effects, increasing their vulnerability, and limiting their options for coping with the consequences. Socioeconomically marginalized and directly dependent on ecosystems and agriculture, most indigenous peoples and local communities living in rural areas are particularly exposed to global changes.

In this context, paying more conceptual attention to crises as exceptional and stressful human experiences, as well as a particular context for action and a possibility for intervention, is necessary (e.g. Brinks & Ibert 2020). Besides, concerning indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ vulnerabilities and coping strategies, empirical evidence is scarce. How are they (going to be) affected thereby? How do they react? To what extent do they consider themselves vulnerable to global crises? How does traditional knowledge contribute to their resilience? Which strategies do they develop and which are especially helpful in this regard?

We welcome papers dealing theoretically/conceptually and empirically with indigenous as well as local strategies to address global challenges, including related issues. The session will be held in cooperation with the “Arbeitskreis Lateinamerika in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie e.V.” and is explicitly intended to promote exchange between research perspectives focusing on different geographical contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean.