Building power for system change in German-speaking research and higher education: Strategies and possibilities for mobilising and organising academics

Mittwoch (20. September 2023), 18:15–19:15
HZ 8
Christiane Tristl (Universität Bonn)
Stephan Liebscher (FU Berlin)


The system of higher education is in deep crisis. Precarious employment, feudal structures and exclusive working environments create unfavourable conditions for research, teaching, and studying. At the same time, universities and governments act detached from the reality of their employees as they long for competition as an end in itself. Yet, the organising efforts at universities, social media campaigns and protests against legislation in German-speaking countries have opened up possibilities to transform systems of higher education towards democratic structures and dignified working conditions. In this panel, representatives of different initiatives and networks (NGAWiss, TVStud, Uni Kassel Unbefristet, UCU representative, Netzwerk Unterbau Wissenschaft) will discuss strategies and possibilities for mobilising and organising academics for systemic change. The discussion aims at encouraging keynote speakers, session convenors and presenters as well as conference participants to utilise the different spaces at the DKG to discuss the status quo of academic research and teaching and pathways of change. The panel is directed at academics of all status groups.

Participating initiatives and networks:

UniKassel Unbefristet

TVStud Berlin

